Saturday, February 16, 2008

Here it is...

Isn't it beautiful? I know, I know...I'm weird for wanting a wagon but it has sooo much room without being huge and using lots of gas. It drives really nice too!

Who wants a ride?

10 comments that make my day!:

Anonymous said... 1

WOOHOO on your new vehicle!! That's always exciting :)


Unknown said... 2

it looks gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said... 3

Great looking car--enjoy. I had a VW Quantum once and it still is my favorite car I have ever had. Too bad they longer make it. Darlene

Diane said... 4

When can you pick me up??? It's
beautiful Lorie!!! Betcha been driving it all day long!!!
Congrats Lorie!!! Enjoy it!!

Anonymous said... 5

Awesome! Hurray for you, it's SO fun to get a new vehicle! Sorry you had a lousy experience with the ENJOY! And be careful! :D

Courtney said... 6

OOOHHH!!! I want to just come SMELL it! I love new car smell!!!

QuiltNut Creations said... 7

congrats! enjoy your new wheels

Kelly A. Swienton said... 8

Very NICE! Good luck with it!

Trish D said... 9

Ooh, it's lovely!! I have a 2002 Passat Wagon in slate blue, and I loooooove that car, so I definitely understand why you're excited :)

tyrymom29 said... 10

Great new vehicule !! Gorgeous!! Hope you pick me up one day !!!