Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ever Wonder?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see your 19 year old sons name on a ballet for city council? Let me show you! That is right our oldest son, Scott, is running for city council. We think (and others...I'll have you know) that it would be great to have a council member his age serve. We also know that he would do a great job! We just have to wait and see what others think! :0)

You can check out his web page HERE!

3 comments that make my day!:

Courtney said...

S-W-E-E-T!!! That's awesome! Go, Scott!

Anonymous said...

WOW, how cool! I hope he wins!

I'm very proud of you, Scott!!! :)

Anonymous said...

That is cool. The mayor of our town is the youngest mayor ever. Just 18 years old and was still in high school when he won..... It was covered world wide...........