Sunday, July 1, 2007

It is July 1st!

It is July 1st and that means it is the day that the new SU! catalog officially comes out! Woohoo! I will be posting a link to the online catalog around noon as that is when SU! will be posting it on their website. I do have some hard copies left if anyone in my area would like one. I will mail them as well but you will need to pay for shipping. Just e-mail me and let me know!

Did you notice my sad mood in the left column? Well, today is also the day we take my middle son Jon to the airport to spend 8 weeks with his dad. Every year as he gets older it gets harder for me to watch him go as I really like the teenage years. The kids are fun to talk with and have a great sense of humor. I will miss him but he is so excited to be going so that is good!

How about a card from my card swap? This card was made by my friend Courtney. You can see her blog HERE. She made this card with the SU! set Be Happy which will still be in the new Fall/Winter 2007 Catalog.

Speaking of the new catalog again. I haven't even come close to deciding what new stuff I would like to order. I know there are 5 or 6 stamp sets I'd like to have, lots of accessories, and LOTS of Designer Paper. My checkbook may be in trouble! I think I will use the time in the car today (taking Jon to Seattle) to figure out my first order.

Like I said I'll be back to post the link to the online catalog later!

2 comments that make my day!:

Courtney said...

Oh, Man, I'm so lovin' that card! Your friend Courtney sure knows how to stamp! Tee hee hee!!! (((wink, wink)))

Anonymous said...

I am in the same boat as you are with the new catty I love so much but trying to narrow it down to a handful ..Its sooo hard!! I am soo happy your back Todd did a great job while you were out .. I sure missed you girlie .. Your card look great!