Friday, June 22, 2007

I'm Home!

Just thought I'd let you all know that I'm home. The drive home was great until I got the the Columbia River area and then the wind was just whipping. It made it very difficult to drive. I have so missed Todd, boys, home, dogs, and, of course, you guys!

I probably wont have time to make any new cards over the next 10 days or so as I have VBS this next week and will be taking some time to transcribe my school notes onto the computer as I have some pretty hefty papers to write as follow up to my classes. I will have swap cards to share though and will probably be able to post them after in the afternoon. Please be patient just a bit longer. Everything will be back to normal soon!

Thanks for supporting Todd's blogging while I was gone! I thought he did an excellent job and he'll definitely have to be a guest artist sometime...doncha think? :0) Oh, and guess what was waiting for me when I got home? A beautiful, new, necklace! Woohoo!

Have a fantastic weekend! Oh, and be looking for some blog candy soon! :0)

3 comments that make my day!:

Anonymous said...

More blog candy? YIPEE, I love blog candy. It's not fattening or nothin'. Welcome home Lorie, and yes, Todd did a GRRRREAT job! See ya at VBS

Anonymous said...

Welcome home! Todd did such a great job, and I'm sure you are appreciated beyond belief now!!! You were missed by all, and hope you have a great VBS...Happy Homecoming! :)

Peggy Maier said...

Yes, Todd did a great job, but you could tell he REALLY missed you! Hope you can get everything done - don't worry about posting until your life slows down a bit (is that possible?)!