Sunday, April 15, 2007

A Punchy Day

I have noticed a lot of people sharing some great punch charts going around the net and I thought you guys might like to see them...if you haven't already. There are about 7 or so charts going around and today I'll share two of them. One is the Word Window Punch and the other is the Wrought Iron Punch. I love the Word Window Punch and the Wrought Iron Punch is something I have but very rarely ever use. Hopefully this will encourage me to use it more and hopefully both of these will encourage YOU to use your punches more! I'll post a couple of more tomorrow! :0)

So, today at noon is the deadline for e-mailing in your Photo Wallet for my contest. If you aren't sure what I'm talking about see HERE.

I hope you have a Super Sunday! Check back tomorrow for the winner!

3 comments that make my day!:

Anonymous said...

HELP!!! just a quick question . . . noon where ??? and . . . I clicked for your email and it doesn't show up. HOW or where do you want me to email my entry?

Rochelle W said...

Thanks for sharing these Lorie.

Kristine said...

These are so great...will certainly come in handy! I can't wait to see more tomorrow :o)