Friday, July 8, 2011

Photo Heavy Post Today! :)

Good morning friends. Just a warning that this is a photo heavy post and pretty long. Today I'm just sharing some personal photos. First, of Pike Place Market...we were there on Wednesday for a history of the market type of tour. While the tour underwhelmed us we did learn a couple of interesting facts that I'll tell ya about. Second, I want to show you the Blue Star Wall hanging that my friend, Lori, made for me. Ready?
First, I want to show you my favorite part of Pike Place Market...flower row. The scents and colors in that area are just amazing! I wish we didn't live so far away so I could take some of those flowers home! Next time we are in Seattle, though, we are going to take a vase so we can put them in water on the way home! Yay!

I wanted to share a photo of the Public Market sign, too. This is one of the better photos I've gotten so I'm upset about the date in the corner. That prompted me to turn off the date feature on my camera. Todd is really good about remembering dates so he can always help me out if I forget. Oh, and see the corner of the building up there by the Public Market sign. Yeah, that is a building that has condos in it. Want to move there? It will only cost you $1,000,000 to purchase one of those condos. It is all about the view as on the other side is a gorgeous view of Elliott Bay.
So, the above sign is the original Starbucks logo. It has gone through many renovations as you can tell. What was interesting about this was that when Starbucks wanted to go in there they were originally told no. It was eventually agreed that they could put a shop there but it had to be just updates to what the original Starbucks would have served/looked like so you will not find pastries and the like in this store. Interesting, huh?

The last photo of Pike Place Market is of the gum wall in one of the alleys. I can't remember when the guide told us it started but apparently sometime ago the theater (that is still there by the way) was having problems with gum under the seat so they put a sign up...please leave your gum people did. The wall had to be cleaned off one time years ago but people still come just to put their gum on the wall. All I can say is...ewwww!

And the final photo (thanks for being patient): This is the Blue Star quilt that my friend, Lori, made for me. I still need to find the perfect quilt hanger but it will have a prominent place to hang in our house. Thanks Lori!

On another topic, stop back tomorrow to see a cute card made with THIS image! Have a wonderful Friday everyone!

8 comments that make my day!:

Sparkplug17 said... 1

Such lovely photos! Next time you come out, we need to meet up!

Jennifer ♥ said... 2

Loved Seattle! Glad you had a good trip. And the quilt is very pretty!

Sheila said... 3

Nice to see you on our side of the mountains! =)

I've passed on a stinkin' cute blog award to you! Come see


Unknown said... 4

Absolutly lovely pics and interesting reading Lorie!! Oooh, that wallhanging is so pretty!! Lucky you!! )( Have a great day! Hugs & Sunshine!

Patti J said... 5

Wow...what a great post! I've never been there, but would love a trip out!!! Your quilt is fabulous! We had the little 1' x 1' satin hanging thingy when our son and nephew were deployed. Kinda puts a big lump in my throat thinking about all the love in that quilt!!! Have a great night!

QuiltNut Creations said... 6

I love love love your quilt!
Great pictures of Pike Place; that is a fabulous picture of the sign too.

CreativeMish said... 7

It looks like you had a fabulous day.. Its been years since I've been to Seattle. I need to take a long weekend and do it again... Love the market

Tana said... 8

We're only a ferry ride away from Pikes (jealous?) and we always go to the original Starbucks. It's not even a question anymore. haha