This are some tags that I made to go on one of the items I put into the stockings that we went to a couple of soldiers through AdoptaPlatoon. I was wanting to get the box ready to go but also wanted to put a personal note with the stockings so I grabbed my Snow Much Fun set from Gina K, cut some cardstock and then just did a little coloring. I have to say while simple, these were perfect for their intended use. Love that! I think the red layer ended up being 4"x3".
This will be a super short post today as I need to hop in the shower before Kyler gets up. I'm going to drive some of the kids in Kyler's class to the assisted living home at which they will be singing Christmas carols this morning. They do this every year and I love it! Only a day and a half of school left for him. Well really, only a day as Friday is the day the 7th and 8th graders go and help with the child care at MOPS as part of their community service commitment. Anyway, all that to say....
Have a super Wednesday everyone!

4 comments that make my day!:
Very cute! And you gotta love quick too!
Cute tags, Lorie! I love that snowman!
Oh so cute Lorie!!!
Cute and what a great idea! =)
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