The bear was made with an SVG file and cut with my Cricut. There are so many neat stores out in www land that it is hard to contain ones self from buying everything up. I'm working on figuring everything out about the files and how to work with them in my SCAL software and honestly this bear is definitely smaller than I thought she was going to be...that is okay though 'cuz I think she is completely adorable anyway! If you can't tell her skirt is completely glittered up. LOVE it!
Can't link you up to anything right this moment though as I believe SU! would tell me that their BABW is too close to this bear to have a link to the store but go ahead and e-mail me if you'd like to know more about the card!
I'm off to upload this to the store's Face Book page and then off for an early exercise session.
Have a super day everyone!
8 comments that make my day!:
Adorable, Lorie! Love your little glittery bear. Thanks for sharing this!
Ack! This is so stinkin' cute! I'm just loving your patriotic colors lately!
So, so cute! I love her little glittery skirt!
OMG! She is adorable!!! Love the patriotic colors and her little glittery skirt.
Cool! I love this cute little bear!
This is very cute. I love it.
This is so adorable, Lorie!! Love the bear!
Oh my goodness gracious Lorie!! LOOOVE THIS!! She's sooo adorable =) This wouldn't be for Kristen's Scrap-Creations this week would it? heeheee. Your bear is completely adorable --love her! And your DP is fabulous. I have NO patriotic paper, can you believe it?? LOL! ANyway... this is definately a great start to your week! Have a good one *Ü*
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