Tuesday, December 15, 2009

For All You Do 2

Happy Tuesday! Thanks for stopping back by everyone! I so appreciate you guys stopping by and leaving encouragement! By the way...I did make that card I was worried about AND I think it looks great...go figure! I'll show it to you very soon...I gotta make sure that the recipient receives it first.

Today I thought I'd show you the other two For All You Do items I made...one a card (on the left) and the other a calendar. I'm SO mad at myself though as the calendar is crooked on the page...ugh! I hope the receiver won't mind! I used the same colors and papers as yesterday.

Today we are off to a near by town to pick up the ham that we won at the Care Net auction back in October. When we called to check on it we found out that the ham will be 20 pounds! Isn't that wonderful? I can't wait to bake it up on Christmas! I'm SURE we'll have leftovers for scalloped potatoes and ham and maybe even some soup...woohoo! I'm thinking maybe we'll pick up some steaks and stuff too so I'm sure it will be a fun stop in our day!

I hope you have a great day too!

9 comments that make my day!:

Dani said... 1

2 more fabulous projects, girlie! Love them! Totally making me want this set... :o)

Elizabeth S. said... 2

Lorie, these are gorgeous! I love that calendar.
Can't wait to see your card :)
Have a wonderful day,

Missy said... 3

I think these are great. You can't even tell the calendar is crooked. But I know what you mean about it being upsetting.
Congrats on the ham that is awesome!!! I hope you have a wonderful and safe trip with your hubby today.

Allison Rankin said... 4

Just so delicate and pretty! Great job!

Diane said... 5

Oh that is so nice Lorie! Love the card too!
Twenty pound ham!!!! Ham & Eggs,Ham & potatoes,Ham & .... If you have too much send a few pounds my way,lol!! Enjoy!!!

Sparkplug17 said... 6

Very pretty! I love your calendar. Wow, that's alot of ham, lol.

JenR said... 7

Oh, so pretty! Loving this set! and the papers!

Danni said... 8

Your calendar looks fine to me...these are both just such beautiful creations!! Awesome!

Sue from Oregon said... 9

So crisp and clean looking!