Saturday, September 19, 2009

It's Talk Like A Pirate Day

Ahoy!, ye mateys! I thought that you all might like to know that today is Talk Like A Pirate Day. See HERE for all the official lingo! It's a little late to make cards now but SU! has some super fun pirate products for your favorite shipmate. Be it party invitations or just a fun "love you" card we've got ya covered. Click HERE to order!

Now go...find yourself some grog and have a wonderful Saturday!

6 comments that make my day!:

Alex said... 1

Too cute Lori!! I wish I had a little boy (my youngest is 15) just to have an excuse to have a party, lol! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

Robyn said... 2

I tried my best to talk like a pirate at work yesterday and people though I had lost my mind! It is sometimes fun to have an excuse to act like a kid. Cute stuff matey!

Danni said... 3

How fun!

Mandy said... 4

Great card! :) LOL!

Allison Rankin said... 5

Very cool silhouette the color choices (unique!).

Dani said... 6

Awesome job! I forgot all about talk like a pirate day... next year! :)