Friday, September 11, 2009

Do You Remember?

Every year I post about this so I really hope that you don't get tired of it. Do you remember what you were doing when you heard about the terrorist attack on our nation? We had just moved to Washington state the beginning of August, only married for about 6 weeks and we were asleep...until my phone rang and my girlfriend was on the phone crying telling me to turn on the television. We husband immediately called he boss to see if the day would change. Nope, come to work as usual...4 years later he was deployed to Iraq. And experience both he and I will never forget. Tears still come to me as I think of all the ways that the men and women that deploy to conflict will change. It may be a little change or a big change but they change and how could they not.

Every night we eat dinner together my husband prays for the troops that are serving our country in foreign or domestic places, we thank them, ask God to guide and protect them, and support them as we can.

Please don't forget...don't let those who perished that day and in the conflicts since be lost in a distant memory.

Thank you to all who are serving our country in uniform this Sept 11th! And even though we are retired Army...once Army always Army...Hooah!

7 comments that make my day!:

Mary Lou said... 1

Lorie~~ Thank you to your husband, you and all others serving our country!!!! Never forgotten
God Bless
Mary Lou

Stampin_melissa said... 2

Hooah! You are so right, once Army always Army! Thank you for your husband (and your) service to our country.

Elizabeth S. said... 3

Lorie, what a great tribute to those you lost so much on the dreadful Sept 11th. Thank you to you and your husband for serving in the armed forces. My husband was also in the service but not at this time. We are so grateful for all that these men and women do for our country. Thank you for posting this!

Missy said... 4

Thank you and how well put. My husband is Air Force but we have many, many servicemen in our families.
The start of my day that dreadful day was similiar to yours. I was in shock and sure it was just a hoax.
Thank you!!!

Diane said... 5

I totally agree with everyone,we all think of that awful day first thing in the morning and will for all the days to come I think.
Thanks to all who serve!God bless You all!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said... 6

Hooah! You have a beautiful tribute here as your post! Thank you for sharing your link on the (in)courage site!

Unknown said... 7

I will never forget that day... For some reason i was watching CNN ( i never watch it) at the same time as i breastfed Donja... And i saw the images... I started to cry right there...