Wednesday, May 14, 2008

That's MY King!

Thought for the day as seen on Dawn's blog...

Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning Satan shutters and says...oh, no...she's awake.

Enjoy this video! If you can't make the video play for some reason HERE is a link to YouTube.

5 comments that make my day!:

Flabbernoogles said...

This is a great video! I've seen it a few times and love it each time. Have you seen the Steve Harvey video where he introduces Christ? It's great!

Courtney said...

Hey girl, you've got an award on my blog... thanks for making my day!

Chris Scrappin and Stampin in Texas said...

Great video! Love your new profile picture. Your hair has grown. What a beautiful corsage too. Chris

Unknown said...

Now that video is worth seeing over and over again! It gave me chills and I will watch it every day. Thank you Lorie for sharing this beautiful piece of heaven with us.

Also wanted to tell you that your new picture is so pretty! You look so happy and I love your hair!

Hugs and love to you,

JoAnna Goodman said...

Thanks for sharing this video! I loved it!! That's My King, too!