I have been on the SCS RAK list for a long time but haven't been active for awhile. Guess what I got yesterday? Yep, a card from the Vera Schoeters of the SCS RAK list. Isn't this card neat? The bicycle is from the a new set coming out on March 1st in the SU! Occasions Mini called Time For You. What a neat technique she used by embossing parts of the bike and then I believe she used a gel pen or the like to highlight the white areas. All around it is a great card! If you'd like a preview of the brochure just e-mail me and I can help you out with that!
This is a short one today as I slept 'til 7:45 this morning (holy cow!) and I feel like half my day is gone already!
Make today a super fantastic Saturday!
7 comments that make my day!:
fabulous stamp!
Cute card! Lucky you! I like how she used the white gel pen!! Girl, Saturdays are for sleeping in so enjoy it!!!
That is adorable!
They did a great job! Man, 7:45... you slept practically all day!
...you know the drill... I wanted to let you know that I have posted the RAK partners on my blog. Please click on your partner's name and get her information... and happy RAKing!
Nice card Lorie!!!
Glad you enjoyed the card, Lorie. I didn't use a white gel pen, though; dry-embossing turns the vellum white!
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