Tuesday, October 23, 2007


But not just any kind of cards! Pokemon cards. Remember when you saw the picture of Kyler with the Pokemon frame? Well, a very sweet lady named Patty e-mailed me and told me that her husband and son had a ton of them they didn't play with anymore and would Kyler like some. Ummm...yeah...I think he'd like them! Well, her box came in the mail yesterday. Unfortunately I couldn't let Kyler open it yesterday (mean mom!) but today, once all of his chores were done, he got to open it. Ya think he's happy about that? Sorry the picture is so dark...it was pretty foggy here this morning. Thank you so much Patty!
He is all busy categorizing the cards and making them just so...it is cute! Speaking of Kyler and cute...'cuz he is cute I tell ya!

He, of course, needed to make a thank you card for JoAnna so here is a little picture of him coloring the images. He's still at that age where he has his tongue out when he's concentrating. So cute! And, JoAnna, if you are reading this don't look to close 'cuz I'm sure he'll want the card to be a surprise!

I hope you all have had a fantastic Tuesday! See you tomorrow!

1 comments that make my day!:

Courtney said...

Oh my goodness. Kyler is just too darn cute! And... how wonderfully nice everyone is! Kyler has hit the motherload! LOL!