Thursday, December 17, 2009

Three Clovers Designs Challenge

Good morning all! Today is Three Clovers Designs Challenge day and I'm excited to share that our challenge for today was to make an ornament. We give our boys ornaments every year that, when they move out, they can take with them for their own Christmas tree. This year it was a bit of a struggle as I couldn't find what I wanted. Todd, however, did find something for two of our boys but I was still in a conundrum of what to do for the third...until this challenge.

My favorite Thomas Kinkade stamp website had a tutorial to make these ornaments some time ago but I never got around to making one until now. They are way easy and in real life this thing shimmers and shines like you would not believe as each side (5) has glittered edges and I added glitter pen to the tree and White House on the printed side. If you know my kiddos at all you probably already know which one of my boys this is for. I'm pretty safe in posting this as I don't believe he reads my blog at all.

I hope you will head over to Kerry's blog HERE to check out what the other Challenge members have created and then jump right in and participate. I can't wait to see what you create!

16 comments that make my day!:

Sharon Caudle said... 1

Lorie, this is so beautiful! I can only imagine how gorgeous it is in real life! Fabulous take on the challenge! hugs!

Dani said... 2

Oh my! This is stunning! Beautiful job!

Cristina said... 3

Fabulous! This looks like you used the Big Shot?!

Elizabeth S. said... 4

Very pretty, Lorie! I can just see all the sparkle. What a thoughtful thing to give your boys to take with them and all the memories they will have.
Have a great day,

Missy said... 5

This is beautiful. I am going to have to search for this because I just LOVE Thomas Kinkade things.

Kerry D-C said... 6

ooooh! aaaah! this is AWESOME!!! Dazzling! What a special ornament for your son! Thank you so much Lorie for being a part of the 3CTC team and sharing your creativity with us all year!

Sparkplug17 said... 7

How pretty! I will have to try making one of these.

Lisa Somerville said... 8

Beautiful Holiday Ornament Lorie, I'm sure you're son will love it!

Diane said... 9

Oh wowzers Lorie!! I love it and sure your son will too!!!
That is such a neat idea!!!

Sue from Oregon said... 10

How very creative Lorie! I bet your sons have a very special collection!

Allison Rankin said... 11

Whoa Lorie...this blows my mind! Not only did you use this die to make an ornament but also that Kinkade stamp...wowsers!

Ida said... 12

Beautiful ornament. Love the different shape and what gorgeous shimmer and images.

Ida said... 13

Beautiful ornament. Love the different shape and what gorgeous shimmer and images.

Kim said... 14

Oh my word Lorie this is AMAZING! What a beautiful creation...your son is going to love it! So elegant!!!
Hugs~ Kim

Mary Lou said... 15

Hi Lorie~~ love this ornament!!
I bet it will accent the tree very nicely :)
Christmas Blessings
Mary Lou

Mary Lou said... 16

Hi Lorie~~ love this ornament!!
I bet it will accent the tree very nicely :)
Christmas Blessings
Mary Lou