Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy 2010

I'm just wondering...who else is completely amazed that is is 2010? For many reason (that I won't go into here) I can hardly believe that I have made it to 2010 with all my faculties intact (and yes, some people will argue with that!). All I can honestly say is...God is good...all the time! No matter what it looks like to us, HE is deflecting the big things and helping up through everything else. Now, what is up for us in 2010? Well...

Plans for the coming year:
* Jon graduates high school is June! We hope to have a wonderful turn out of long distance family as we did for Scott's graduation for Jon's graduation and party. We love to show everyone our home and surrounding area. You are all invited!
* Jon leaves for Basic Training. While we have six months to get used to the fact that he'll be gone from the house, I think I'll have a bit of a broken heart when he leaves. As with all my boys...I love that boy with more than I thought possible and will miss him terribly!
*Sometime in November we will go to Jon's Basic/AIT graduation in Georgia. Hopefully, we'll be able to take a little side trip at the same time.
*Scott should graduation from CWU this year as well. What does that mean? My household will go from five people to three. That brings tears to my eyes.

Goals for the next year:
*Grow my Dove Chocolate Discoveries business to where it pays some of the bills.
*Send a birthday card to each person whose birthday comes up on my e-mail reminder list. That may be simple but there are some issues attached to this so, in reality, it will be more difficult than it sounds.
*Be committed to spending time in prayer and Bible study every day this year.
*Get my scrapbooks in shape.

My dreams include:
*Getting my boys' rooms all set a crafting room, the other a sitting room/guest room.
*Plant a tree/some plants in the back yard.

So, I thank my blogging friend, Cristina, for the idea of having a post like this. If you care to share with us all what your plans, goals, and dreams are for the coming year please link your post back here...I'd love to support you in that!

I have a Dove Chocolate Discoveries party tonight so I'll be busy today but I'll see you soon!

8 comments that make my day!:

Dani said... 1

God IS good! Looks like you have some great things ahead of you! Hugs, my friend!

Cristina said... 2

So glad you did this. It was fun to read about your coming year. Hugs!

Elizabeth S. said... 3

Wow it sounds like you have a busy year yet to come!Wishing you all the best in everything you have planned.

Donna said... 4

What a busy year ahead! I can tell you about empty nests. My two sons came home for Christmas and are both now gone: back to school and back to his now home in Boston. Yes, I miss them terribly and they've both been gone for a while. When they visit the house comes alive. And God knows when we'll see them again but I know He will be watching over them when I can't. God is good and I am so blessed! Happy 2010!

Sparkplug17 said... 5

I know you'll do great with your goals this year!

Chrissy D said... 6

I listed my goals too Lorie! You can do it!!! HAPPY NEW YEARS! Praying for your journey this year! (((HUGS)))

Diane said... 7

You are such an inspiration to me Lorie!!! And Yes God is Good!!!!
Have fun at your party tonight and have a wonderful time attaining all your goals!

Allison Rankin said... 8

Good luck Lorie! Best to look ahead!