Tuesday, December 29, 2009

'Tis The Season

Morning everyone! I'm so glad you all liked my recipe share yesterday. I think I'll go ahead and share something each week. Can't guarantee that it will be low cal but I will try and make it something that I've cooked at least once.

Just another quick layout from a kit that I purchased. I didn't put the tree together quite correctly as it should be higher up on the right page but...such is life. I can still get my photos on there just fine and I have some fun ideas for photos already! Interestingly enough you'll be seeing that fabulous bracket paper again as it is included in another layout kit that I have waiting for me to use it. Scrapbooking

So, there you have it...my super quick post today. I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday and I'll see ya soon!

9 comments that make my day!:

Kim said... 1

Lorie that is awesome! Love the layout!!!

Danni said... 2

What a fun layout!

Dani said... 3

Cute! I love the tree, it looks great!

Sparkplug17 said... 4

This is adorable! I love your leaning tree.

Tammi said... 5

what a cute kit! I might have to keep that in my inspiration files. It's so cute and whimsical!

Cheryl Walker said... 6

This is darling!!Love how you did the tree, and its perfect for these pages!! I soooo need to start making some small like 6 x6 scrapbooks for our parents :) Love your pages hun!!!

Beautiful job :)

Hope you have a Happy New Year!

Allison Rankin said... 7

That is one cool layout Lorie! I may have to see if I can re-create that tree...fun!

Gwen Mangelson said... 8

Love these pages! I feel some casing coming on today!!
any tips? suggestions? how did you make the tree? Wanna sell the template? lol

Kerry McKibbins said... 9

Really great layout!
I'm feeling some inspiration here.
Thank you!